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4 Top Tips for Doing a Print Ad
So here are 4 Top Tips for doing a print ad:
1. Think outside the box.
When I start working with a client on retainer, the Sustainable Marketing System, I typically reallocate the traditional print advertising budget into sponsored content. Rather than buying the box of advertising space, I buy articles. My team writes them and we place them into local media.

2. Go big or go home.
If you buy a print ad, don’t do anything smaller than a ¼ page. Your ad will get lost, otherwise.
3. Advertise Sales

4. Also Advertise Events
People also open a newspaper to find out what’s going on. Your next event could be what they are looking for.

Send me a quick note, if you’re interested in a consultation with one of my account executives about how to best allocate your marketing budget. Here’s a link to my contact form: