ProHealth | Dirt1x

How ProHealth Wins with their Marketing

Dr. Karyn Staples, owner and operator of ProHealth Physical Therapy and Pilates Studio in Peachtree City, was looking to maximize her business when she turned to Ellie White-Stevens of Dirt1x.

“My biggest reason for branching out with marketing was knowing that I needed a cohesiveness for my brand,” Staples said, “Since I have two different businesses basically running under one roof — the rehabilitation on the physical therapy side and the Pilates under the wellness side — I needed to keep them bridged together but also look at them as two separate entities.”

Staples was drawn to White-Stevens not just by her experience in marketing and promotion, but by her personality as well.

“Our personalities are very similar,” Staples says. “We are go-getters. We are passionate about what we do. So I needed to find someone who could match my energy with what I needed to accomplish.”

Dirt1x successfully integrated both sides of the business into a dynamic brand. Staples then looked to Dirt1x to use the new brand to update business cards and name tags. From there it expanded into brochures and flyers to promote the business both inside and out. Currently, ProHealth and Dirt1x meet monthly as part of the Sustainable Marketing System in order to meet and exceed Prohealth’s marketing goals.

“My initial reason for going with Ellie and Dirt1x was I needed someone much better than I am,” Staples says. “I have ideas and she’s willing to take my ideas and actually make them better. All I have to do is send the email to Ellie and all of sudden the flier is created.”

Staples and White-Stevens began their collaboration in June 2014.

“In 2016, my net revenue has increased by 67 percent and overall gross revenue has increased by $100,000. I’ve gone from a business that was flatlining to a business that is 11 and a half years old and growing.”

One of the biggest challenges Staples faced that was identified during a Sustainable Marketing meeting was correcting her client pricing structure.

“When I started working with Ellie, I went through a price change for the Pilates clients as well as people who were coming in self-referred for physical therapy,” Staples says. “That’s quite a scary prospect for somebody who wants to provide services for people and not ‘out price’ people from being able to be a part of the service. It’s comforting knowing that I have the support of somebody that understands the market.”

The second part of that process was educating the staff, so when the price change happened everyone was fully on board about the terminology and what the approach should be.

“Since working with Ellie, I’ve been able to think further along in what’s the next stage for ProHealth,” Staples says. “I’ve been very lucky to have people willing to work with me and bring people alongside. With my husband I’ve been able to purchase property, build a new building and expand ProHealth in size.”

As the ProHealth business has grown profitability wise, Staples has been able to reward her staff.

“I’m able to take care of them better and have them earn more. I’ve been able to offer them continuing education. Without Ellie (and Dirt1x), this would have never happened.”