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4 Top Tips for Doing a Print Ad

by | Nov 22, 2017 | Marketing | 0 comments

I’ve run into a lot of business owners who’ve told me that traditional print advertising doesn’t work for them. When I ask how they did it, they’ll tell me they ran this one ad, and it didn’t work. Having spent seven years working in local print marketing, I know what kind of ads work, and how to run them so they will work. And I particularly learned what print-alternatives work the best to make newspapers and magazines magical.

So here are 4 Top Tips for doing a print ad:
1. Think outside the box.
When I start working with a client on retainer, the Sustainable Marketing System, I typically reallocate the traditional print advertising budget into sponsored content. Rather than buying the box of advertising space, I buy articles. My team writes them and we place them into local media.

Why? When people open a magazine or a newspaper they are looking for a good story. So my clients give them one, and get much better results. One client, Ageless Wellness, had nine calls the week after their story ran on innovative stem cell treatments.

2. Go big or go home.
If you buy a print ad, don’t do anything smaller than a ¼ page. Your ad will get lost, otherwise.

3. Advertise Sales

People are looking for a deal. Let me them know you’ve got one. Especially put this in when the savings are significant.

4. Also Advertise Events
People also open a newspaper to find out what’s going on. Your next event could be what they are looking for.

Building effective ads keeps my clients from spending stupid money on advertising that doesn’t work. We all would rather do smart marketing, right?!

Send me a quick note, if you’re interested in a consultation with one of my account executives about how to best allocate your marketing budget. Here’s a link to my contact form: https://dirt1x.wpengine.com/who-we-are/contact/

Ellie White-Stevens

Marketing Guru & Creative Director

(770) 301-8706 | [email protected]